"By the God-created caves." Pskov-Caves ascetics of the 20th century. "

The servant of God Anna, a resident of Pechory (from Ovrazhnaya street) told:
“I happened to be a witness to the following case. Once in the summer, leaving the St Michael Cathedral, we, all worshippers, saw a woman lying on the stones near the temple and crying. To our question, what happened with her and what she cries about so bitterly, she told the following:
“I came to Pechory and went to Fr. Simeon for a blessing. I knocked once and I hear the answer: “Go out!” I knocked a second time and looked into the cell. Father Simeon stood at the lectern and, not looking at me, shouted a second time: “Go out!” And when I knocked again, Father Simeon said again: “Go out!” And added: “You have a mouthful of firebrands”. Then I immediately recalled my grave sin. I confess to you that I committed a great crime in my life: offended by my neighbor, I set fire to his bathhouse, and the whole village immediately caught on fire from it. ” And then she burst into tears even more. We were stunned and surprised by the clairvoyance of Fr. Simeon and immediately began to pray to the Lord, asking him to forgive the great sinner, weeping over her sin.”