How Archimandrite Parthenius Got Healed of Sloth

Priest Sergiy Tishkun. Ilya Kabanov. “People of the Greek Church”.

Hieromonk Ephimius (Jafarov) tells the story:

Our elder [Archimandrite Parthenius Murelatos] told such a story. As a young monk, he had the obedience of a forester, lived in the forest. There is a church, there are cells, and he watched the forest, who cuts it down, what is taken out. And there he fell into a kind of strange despondency and negligence, completely stopped praying and reading his monastic prayer rule. In this state, he spent a whole year.

He once walked and wandered through the woods, returned to his cell and lay down on the bed disheartened. His eyes fell on the icon of the Mother of God ... And suddenly it dawned on him, and he prayed with tears: "Mother of God, help me, I can’t do anything! Help me to overcome this condition." As soon as he said this, he immediately felt warmth in his heart and felt a surge of spiritual strength. He said: "I jumped up and made four hundred bows to the ground at once without concealing anything. I began to pray, and everything went away at once. The state of sloth - everything disappeared."

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