Vanity Destroys Even Good Deeds

Venerable Macarius of Optina. "Edifying Teachings" (from letters).

... I only think it necessary to remind you that everything good that you do should be imbued with humility: whether prayer, fasting, almsgiving, forgiveness of your neighbors, and so on, do all this to the glory of God and with humility. I suggest this to you because I know that the hater of good, the devil, when he fails to turn us away from some good deed, he tries to darken it with arrogance and vanity (I, 161,325-326).

... As in every good deed, vanity and conceited opinion of oneself are intertwined, it is necessary to resist and reject it; and just as a climbing plant dries up many trees, so vanity destroys good deeds (V, 575, 774).

What is done with good intention cannot harm; it is only necessary to observe that ivy does not creep on good plants, which can dry up their fruit - by ivy  I mean vanity, which was approaching you; but for this you need to have vivacity of mind and see your own badness; otherwise, falls will involuntarily humble you (III, 273, 484).

As far as I can see, you are led by vanity, you wish that your weakness is not noticed, but you want to appear good; self-reproach and humility are not visible in you, and you do not endeavor to have them (V, 496, 666).

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