Elder Savva about Discretion

Schema-Hegumen Savva (Ostapenko) (1898 - 27.7.1980)

From the Life of the Elder Schema-Hegumen Savva (Ostapenko). About Discretion.

Discretion is grasping the divine will at any time, at any place and during any activity.

One should not tell other people about one’s ascetic practice and prayer rule, even if it is not for the reason of vanity, lest you lose the gift you found.

Discretion is a priceless gift that enables one’s soul to resist the passions acting in accordance with the will of God and the fear of God.

There are some people, ardent but not reasonable, who want to become fully righteous at once. The words of a great Russian saint, Seraphim of Sarov, who lived not long ago, in 19th century, and knew the way of nearly modern life, can help them:

- Whatever you do, do it gently and unhurriedly, because virtue is not a pear to be eaten in one bite. Take the middle way in order not to fall down when overloaded…The Kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom. 14:17). Just do not wish to have carnal things but everything of God is good… Virginity is glorious, and fasting is good in order to overcome bodily and spiritual enemies, and marriage is blessed by God – it’s only the devil who brings disorder in everything.

There are poisons that are good in healing diseases and there are good things that bring harm. You cannot dispense with a knife in your household, but some people stab with it their neighbours. Some people went insane after reading Bible too much. The main thing is that after having gone through fire and through water we get some discretion.

It’s better not to pass over the words of reproach, but keep silence or pass the words of love and blessing instead, to keep our spirit calm.

The most important thing is discretion.

Two things that we need most of all are patience and humility.

The best thing is silence.

Everybody needs love.

This article in Russian